Spontaniously and Professionally Funny
I really cannot find to much not to love about this. Like the Swain kindly mentioned this hits a good note for Newground cult classic or as he calls it an epic flash.
I really like how well the feeling of your passion for flash animation and passion against unjustified daily firsts. One of the pieces people seem to forget is that some unknown artists really deserve a better review from Newgrounds viewers.
Yet, I feel you guys got it and you should be proud we are tough to follow. I love the artist license you took with taking it out on animations that obviously sometimes get overrated. Not all but many.
The scene with Phoenix wrong was completely utterly laughable. It actually looked as if his reactions to the blows were pixelated rather than poorly drawn in. I can see some serious effort to catch your audience.
I can't wait see what else you have for us.
Till next time....I'm lovin this!